North Arrow’s diamond exploration programs are conducted under the direction of President and CEO, Ken Armstrong, P.Geo., a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Mr. Armstrong has reviewed and approved all information posted on this page that is of a scientific or technical nature.
Location: Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories (See interactive map on DigiGeoData)
Size: 13,898 hectares
Ownership: 100%
Stage: Ground geophysics and drilling.
Closest Infrastructure: 30 km southwest, and 24 km west of the Ekati and Diavik diamond mines
The property consists of two claim blocks located in the Lac de Gras region to the southwest of the Diavik and Ekati diamond mines. The eastern claims are contiguous to the east side of the Monument kimberlite cluster to the and to northwest of North Arrow’s LDG property to the shores of Lac de Gras. The eastern claim block hosts a number of prospective exploration targets as well as six known kimberlites: EG01N, EG01S, EG02, EG05, EG130 and as of the 2018 drill program, 465.
In 2017 North Arrow completed a 302 line km helicopter-borne VTEM Plus time domain electromagnetic and magnetic survey over the known kimberlites and several additional targets. In March of 2018 North Arrow conducted a drill program targeting the EG-05 kimberlite as well as other priority anomalies. The press release of April 5th 2018 announced a total of 607m drilled including intersections of the EG-05 kimberlite along with the discovery of a new kimberlite at target 465. Kimberlite 465 is located in close proximity to the Monument Cluster of kimberlite pipes but results showed it was weakly diamondiferous and warranted no further work.
A three week summer 2019 exploration program (announced on July 16 2019) was conducted and included prospecting, ground geophysics and till
sampling focused in specific areas chosen to provide strengthened geochemical support to existing geophysical anomalies. A follow up winter drill program was scheduled for March of 2020, but was postponed to the following spring / summer due to the pandemic.
The week long 2021 drilling program commenced on June 3, 2021 and focused on several gravity anomalies located near what was thought to be a potential source area for a prominent, and historically documented, indicator train. No kimberlite was intersected during the program which was announced complete on June 18, 2021. The gravity lows were explained by the intersection of significant, locally >5m, ice lenses within glacial overburden ranging from 25 to over 30m in thickness.
Samples of thick overburden and ice units encountered during drilling were processed for KIMs. Results from samples collected at the upper, near surface, levels of the drill holes returned from 0 to 7 KIMs, a result that is in line with traditional till sampling in the area. Importantly, however, several samples collected at depths of approximately 5 to 25 m, returned very high KIM counts, including three samples returning in excess of 100 KIMs, including pyrope and eclogitic garnet, ilmenite, chrome-diopside, chromite and olivine. These KIM counts are an order of magnitude higher than the most anomalous results returned by surface till sampling on the property. Further interpretation of these areas of thick glacial overburden is underway, including an evaluation of the origin of KIM-bearing ice lenses encountered during drilling. Overburden samples collected from similar RC drilling in other parts of the Lac de Gras region have produced similar KIM results within close proximity to known kimberlite sources.
Future exploration plans will be announced when determined.