Water Conservation and Stewardship
Most areas in Canada in which North Arrow explores for diamonds are undisturbed, pristine environments with diverse ecology. To ensure these areas are protected, we comply with all laws and regulations in each jurisdiction where we operate. Our policy is to leave things the way we found them, or as close to it as possible.
If any work needs to be conducted near water bodies, or if water needs to be used for exploration on any of North Arrow’s projects, the following precautions are taken, when applicable, to avoid any negative impact to the environment:
Silt fences and berms are consistently used to protect waterbodies from potential surface runoff. At our more advanced projects, we independently conduct baseline testing (i.e. wildlife monitoring; lake water testing; etc.) and engage with local knowledge holders to monitor any potential ecosystemic changes. Where applicable, North Arrow conducts ongoing monitoring and reclamation activities, often utilizing local employees.
Progressive Reclamation
Work programs on any of our projects, big or small, is handled with care and consideration, with the goal of leaving it as close as possible to the way we found it.
With this in mind, if we need to disturb an area for exploration purposes, we keep the impact as minimal as possible. This applies whether the work consists of small-scale sampling such as taking till samples or large-scale sampling such as bulk sampling or drilling.
In arctic environments, (eg: the Naujaat Project) when the bulk sampling of a kimberlite unit is planned, all removed top material, including shrubs and grasses, are stored to the side to be used in the reclamation. Once sampling is complete, the excavation pits are backfilled and the surface is contoured to match the adjacent natural slopes. Boulder and cobble berms downslope are built to catch any natural runoff from rain. The ground is scarified, rocks returned and the pre-existing foliage, are replanted on surface. This not only helps promote regrowth and provide cover for root structure but also prevents water catchment/pooling and debris flows.
In forested areas (eg: the Pikoo Project), drilling requires drill pads and sometimes helicopter pads to be cleared for work. All drill and helicopter pads are kept as small as safely possible when cleared. Pads are cleared by hand and all foliage is kept to the side for replacement once drilling is completed. All cut trees and shrubs are scattered out across the pads once completed. This promotes seed capture and regrowth.
Even the small holes created during till sampling for kimberlite indicator minerals (usually our first approach to exploring a new property) are backfilled leaving little evidence of disturbance.
In all exploration programs, the “what goes in must come out” rule applies no matter what, so we leave no garbage at the work sites. A final cleaning and inspection is conducted at every work site to ensure nothing has been missed, and the area is remediated. The same applies for exploration camps when they are no longer being utilized and the permit is closed. Leave as little environmental impact as possible.
The protection of the ecosystems and the species that inhabit it where North Arrow works is of high priority and mitigation plans are put in place to cause the least amount of disturbance. Knowledge of the areas of work is a key factor in working with the lowest amount of risk in disturbing the ecosystem or the species that inhabit it. North Arrow uses all the tools available to get this knowledge such as: government websites regarding species at risk; regulatory bodies with ecosystem/species information and regulations; traditional knowledge gained from community and Council meetings, stakeholders and trapline owners; and North Arrow led research studies. With this knowledge in hand North Arrow has come up with wildlife/ecology mitigation plans for each project to help lower the risk of having a negative impact on the ecology and species in the area. Work done follows all regulatory conditions and seasonal restrictions that come with the permit to work.
An important factor of learning about the ecology and wildlife of the project area is through the communities that surround it and the people who use the
land. North Arrow continues to meet with the people of the communities that surround project areas. Community meetings, stakeholder meetings, Hunter and Trapper Organization meetings and Council meetings are held in order to inform the people about the specific areas of planned work as well as collect traditional knowledge on wildlife and ecology of that area. Mitigation plans have been established with this traditional knowledge and have been approved by Council, and by local Hunters and Trappers Organizations specifically in Naujaat, NU. North Arrow also hires people from these communities, especially the land users / stakeholers / hunters / trapline owners to help with the work. Having the land users working in the area leads to valuable information on the surrounding ecology and wildlife and the traditional interactions with the land.
At North Arrow’s more advanced project Naujaat, NU, North Arrow implemented a wildlife camera program. The program was set up for four years and had 20 cameras set up surrounding the community trail leading out toward the Q1-4 kimberlite and surrounding areas. These cameras collected years of data of any wildlife that crossed it path, including birds wolves, polar bears and mainly caribou. This data was invaluable in helping establish wildlife patterns and all data was shared with the community and specifically with the Hunters and Trappers Organization. This data helped confirm Inuit traditional knowledge, or Inuit Qauijimajatuqangit (Khao-yee-muh-yah-tut-khanggeet) on wildlife patterns that the Hunters and Trappers and community members noted.
Carbon Footprint
North Arrow are committed to reducing our carbon footprint where possible and are mindful of carbon-free alternatives when planning and conducting our work. Use of helicopters is often necessary in our remote project locations, however when possible more fuel efficient helicopters will be contracted (such as during our 2021 bulks sample at Naujaat) and the helicopters will be used as efficiently as possible. We expect the options for carbon-free alternatives (the exception being diamonds of course!) to continue to grow in the upcoming years of exploration, as we have started to see solar and wind power generating initiatives proposed in some of the more remote communities near to our projects.